1A-High density filing system
Explore the high density filing system range, all you need for your office filing requirements. View available options for this product below.
IC 100/IC 101shelf
Storage of box files-lever arch storage of archive boxes , general stationery and front retrieval files.
IC 103 pull out drawer
IC 103 pull out drawer-Pull out drawers are used for containerized top retrieval filing
IC 104 pull out working shelf and IC 107 lockable shelf door
IC 104 pull out working shelf and IC 107 lockable shelf door
IC 106 suspended cradle
IC 106 suspended cradle-suspended cradle are not a pull out component and are used for suspended front retrieval files.
IC 108-100mm(h) shelf divider and IC 109 200mm(h) shelf divider.
Shelf dividers are used to sub divide the shelf into components and a support for files and books.